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Albonair develops and produces urea dosing systems and thermal management systems for the efficient reduction of nitrogen oxides in exhaust gas.

Our mission is to make the air cleaner – with innovative exhaust aftertreatment systems. Our company has specialized in the development and manufacturing of urea dosing systems and thermal management systems that make a significant contribution to reducing nitrogen oxide emissions from the commercial vehicle sector.

As a global supplier with headquarters in Dortmund, we are a competent and reliable partner for our customers in the automotive industry. With our smart and cost-efficient solutions for exhaust aftertreatment, we help our customers comply with emission standards that are becoming stricter all around the world.

Albonair Hauptsitz am Standort Dortmund


Our company is headquartered in Dortmund. Our other locations include Taicang, China and Chennai, India.
As a company with an international focus, Albonair GmbH has been operating under the roof of the multinational Hinduja Group since 2007.
Albonair thus enjoys the trust of an internationally successful shareholder.

  • Headquarters
  • Development
  • Production
  • Sales
  • Production
  • Application development
  • Sales
  • Production
  • Application development
  • Sales

Dr. Georg Hüthwohl Geschäftsführer Albonair

Dr Georg Hüthwohl has been in charge of Albonair GmbH since it was founded in 2007. Supported by a competent management team, he falls back on a solid background shaped by years of experience in the automotive industry. Before joining Albonair, he worked for companies such as PUREM Abgassysteme, HJS Fahrzeugtechnik and FEV Motorentechnik.

Albonair Mitarbeiter mit Dosiereinheit

A total of 240 employees work for Albonair at our three locations. People make the difference. They are our most valuable asset. Our expert team, consisting of highly qualified engineers from renowned universities, with extensive experience in the field of exhaust aftertreatment, is our guarantee for top-quality products.

Through our global presence and local teams of application development engineers who work in close proximity to our customers, we ensure that the customer requirements and our central development division are closely coordinated.

Albonair follows international quality management guidelines. We are certified according to the automotive industry standard ISO 9001 and IATF 16949.

The Quality Management division, which operates centrally from the German headquarters, handles strategic quality management and quality planning for all producing divisions worldwide. The division also focuses on supplier assessment  and development. Selecting our suppliers based on high quality criteria is another important step in ensuring that our products are of first-class quality.

IATF 16949
ISO 9001

Environmental Management is an important component of the integrated management system at Albonair. Thanks to our ISO 14001 certification, we are contributing to environmental and climate protection. Consequently, we are aware of our social responsibilities and focus on conscious handling of resources.

With several environmental protection activities throughout the entire product life cycle, we decrease the impact on the environment and our climate. We rely on innovative production processes and demanding environmental management in our company.

ISO 14001

Our values

Glühbirne im Kopf: Piktogramm zum Unternehmenswert Unternehmergeist

We pursue a result- and project-oriented approach in order to achieve our ambitious goals. We act with courage and vision. The focus is on added value for our customers and partners. For us, it’s not just the result that counts, but also success and sales. Determination, reliability and integrity towards our stakeholders are the keys to our success.

Glühbirne: Piktogramm zum Unternehmenswert Innovation

The aftertreatment of exhaust gases – that is our competence. Innovation and further developments are the basis of our technological leadership. We continuously improve our products and processes in order to offer our customers sustainable solutions. Cost-efficient and innovative products are the essential pillars of our strategy, securing our competitive advantage.

Zwei Personen: Piktogramm zum Unternehmenswert Kundenfokussierung

Our customers are at the focus of everything we do. Together we create solutions that meet the local requirements of the markets and guarantee the highest level of customer satisfaction. – We say what we do and we do what we say. Customers can rely on our cost-effective products. We pursue a zero-defect strategy and guarantee quality at the highest level.

Personen und Sprechblase mit Zahnrädern: Piktogramm zum Unternehmenswert Mitarbeiterorientierung

Creative brains with pioneering ideas and specialists in their field: These are our employees, the most important resource for our success. They are our driving force. We promote their potential and create a working atmosphere in which they are challenged and can develop. Our working atmosphere is characterised by team spirit, mutual trust and appreciation. The central pillars for our high level of employee satisfaction are recognition, individual responsibility, and flat hierarchies.

Weltkugel in einer Hand: Piktogramm zum Unternehmenswert Verantwortung

We are aware of our responsibility for future generations. Our products and solutions contribute to keep the air clean and protect our environment. We are responsible for our employees and our employees are responsible for our company. Team-oriented and open cooperation is the basis for responsibly managing projects, working efficiently and being able to achieve our goals.

Händeschütteln: Piktogramm zum Unternehmenswert Vertrauen

Our social interaction is shaped by loyalty, honesty and respect. We like to work together because as a team we get the better results. We rely on each other, being confident, that everyone gives their best. Problems are addressed and jointly solved. The heart and soul of our corporate culture is trust: trust among each another, trust in our creative power and trust towards our customers, partners and suppliers.